Jonathan Gropp

biology / geochemistry / methane / stable isotopes / numerical modeling



About me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher working on a collaborative project between the groups of Dipti Nayak (Department of Molecular and Cell Biology) and Daniel Stolper (Department of Earth and Planetary Science) at the University of California, Berkeley, since 2022. I study anaerobic microbes using molecular genetics, metabolic modeling, and high-resolution stable isotope mass spectrometry. My research here in Berkeley is supported by the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship and by the Next-gen Environmental Sustainability Postdoc Award from the Energy Research Initiative.

In my PhD I worked with Itay Halevy at the Weizmann Institute of Science, where I developed theoretical tools to study methane biogeochemistry which elucidated the relations between microbes that produce and consume methane and the isotopic signatures that they leave behind.

Check out my research interests, list of publications, Google Scholar page, Linkedin profile, or contact me at ja dot gropp at